27 thoughts on “Revisiting Harry Potter: Can someone remind me who gets Fenrir Greyback in the end?

  1. Completely irrelevant to the post itself, but your title reminds me of the kid in The Princess Bride — “Who kills Humperdinck? At the end, somebody’s gotta get him! Is it Fezzik? Inigo? Who?!”

  2. I love how badass Harry is after burying Dobby and he’s all BAM, I’ve got to talk to Olivander and Griphook, I’ve got plans and I’m going to get shit done. When he wants to, Harry is fantastic at compartmentalising.

    I always have such a soft spot for Grindelwald. I think it’s because we only see him through the lens of Dumbledore and in that final scene with V, but I’d love a book that delves into his story because I think it’d be fascinating. He seems like the sort that started out with the best intentions and then slowly stumbled off the right path and got a little lost before finally finding the path again. I also want young Dumbledore stuff (always) so that’s another reason that book should exist.

    • There are all the reasons that book should exist. I agree, it would be really fascinating to see Grindelwald go down the dark path — but then I think once he got there it would be hard to read. I didn’t even like it when Ron got mad and left Harry and Hermione. I don’t think I could handle seeing a character I wanted to like become Wizard Hitler.

  3. HOW did I manage to forget mentioning Lupin’s adorableness in running around telling people that his son has been born? Awwwww.

    I also love that Harry finally gets his thoughts in order and starts taking action. No dithering about, wondering what to do and how to do it and waiting for things to happen.

  4. YES to the animation of The Beedles of the Bard. That would be great. I think, though, that Harry may have said Voldemort’s name on purpose, out of defiance rather than distracted excitement. He’s tired of all the limits on him and just wants to do his own thing. Impulsive in a terrible way. And YES to considering options. In a few chapters, Hermione’s going to be all, oh yeah, monster fire, that works too. WHY was this never discussed before??

  5. THis is an amazing post. I was also pondering the whole Grindelwald thing: that he chose to lie to Voldemort. I am not sure I paid attention to that in previous readings of the book.

    Harry putting aside his childish things: that’s what these last few chapters have been about. I feel that Dumbledore’s death was the first thing propelling him down that route and that Dobby’s death bookended it–after those two things happened, he was ready, he had a plan, and was prepared to follow through with it.

  6. Oh man, the moment when Neville appears? Love it. I completely lost it when I read Deathly Hallows the first time. I hadn’t even realized how WORRIED I was about the guy until he showed up in one piece! So amazing.

    • I know! I hadn’t been giving him enough thought until he showed up — I didn’t know if he was going to be in this book at all, honestly, and I’m so glad he was.

  7. I always thought Grindelwald had goodness left, because Dumbledore once truly loved him. And Dumbledore is not a fool in love. But Voldemort never had any goodness visible, did he? I wonder if JK thought he was salvageable.

    • Voldemort never did. It sounds like Grindelwald wasn’t a sociopath though, right, in the way that Voldemort was? I don’t know. I don’t know if Voldemort would have been salvageable. I don’t think he necessarily had to become The Ultimate Evil, for sure, but that doesn’t mean he’d have become a nice person if his life had been different.

  8. “The downside to the Tale of the Three Brothers is that it gives Harry such a being-right buzz that he forgets not to say Voldemort’s name and gets them all captured by villains.” I yelled at Harry so much right then. Dammit, you had to go and ruined everything

    Oh man Greyback threatening Hermione is the worst and that Frollo gif is an EXCELLENT choice to illustrate that. And your Fox & Hound gif is also a good choice. Way to win at the gif picking

    • Aw, thanks! What a flattering compliment! I don’t feel as good about my GIF choices for next week, but in fairness to me, I was choosing them while WEEPING THOUSANDS OF TEARS.

  9. I love love love that Harry’s stopped being so impulsive- one of my favourite bits of this section, that I forgot to include was where Harry was all worried and anxious because he couldn’t remember choosing NOT to act before, and it’s just like, sometimes that’s what’s needed and he’s grown up enough to do that and it’s awesome.

  10. That Grindlewald scene, man. I wonder if he and Dumbledore ever talked again after the trials and whatnot.

    I would buy the crap out of that DVD. We need to contact the folks who animated The Three Brothers and then Kickstart this thing.

    Love love your “Adulting Harry Potter” notes!

  11. I would love it if The Tale of the Three Brothers was turned into a movie. Can you imagine it? The story was so creepy that I wonder how it couldn’t be a story from our world! Reading your post makes me want to reread this series again. Maybe soon.

  12. I love that Grindelwald tries to redeem himself at the end, but it does bother me that JKR does the whole “Vmort can save his soul if he shows remorse” bit even though she’s spent seven books proving that he’s a sociopath who is incapable of empathy/remorse. And I kind of hate that Vmort is so pure evil that he’s not even all that interesting by the end. Other villians are wayyy more interesting, because they have depth. See: Lucius Malfoy, Snape, etc.

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